Tales of Valoris: Swallow's Defenders


Platforms & Status: Mobile (iOS, iPadOS, Android), In Development.

Tales of Valoris: Swallow’s Defenders is a tower defense game that allows players to take control of Swallow’s Keep Heroes and Defenders before the events of Hit N’ Bit.

Each stage involves defending key base areas from waves of attackers that approach from the right side of the screen. The game is played in a grid-based format, where players strategically place defenders on different tiles to counter the incoming attackers. Enemy kill provides in-game currency to purchase and place new defenders on the field. Each defender has specific attack timing, attributes, parameters, etc. requiring players to plan and time their moves effectively. As players advance, they encounter different types of attackers, each with unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

Players must adapt their strategy and choose the right defenders for each level to prevent the attackers from breaching their defenses and reaching the base.

Roles: Technical Audio Designer

  • Utilize Trello on a daily basis for Project Management.

  • Work with GitHub for source code Version Control.

  • Design and implement Audio Implementation systems using the native Unity audio system.

  • Implement Audio Assets provided by the Sound Design and Music teams.

  • Write C# Scripts in Unity engine to add, control, and affect Audio Parameters in-game to be Adaptive.

  • Also serve as Music Composer and Sound Designer, when needed.

  • Produce and Mix audio assets using Reaper.

Adam Brown